Cable Jackets provide a simple, environmentally friendly and easy to use solution to the hazards posed by trailing cables, hoses and cords found in clinical areas such as operating theatres and intensive care units.

  • Reduced trip hazards

  • Environmentally friendly

  • Lightweight and easy to apply

  • Antimicrobial

Key Features

Eliminate Healthcare Facility Trip Hazards

Cable Jackets is a unique, custom-made solution, designed specifically for managing cable, cords and hoses in the hospital environment which have been deemed one of the top three trip hazards. Cable Captain consolidates the cabling by making it more visible and compact. The patented design takes just moments to clean and eliminates the unsightly mess and tripping hazards created by tangled medical cords. 

Infection hazard

The revised NHS Cleaning Manual make no specific reference to cleaning cables and cords. The absence of a clear policy leaves room for error. Cable Captain is microbial resistant and mould/rot proof therefore contributing to better infection control.

Environmental consideration

Cable Jackets supports NHS’ plan of delivering a ‘Net Zero’ National Health Service. Cable Jackets is a reusable solution that withstands years of wear and tear and guaranteed to last. NHS England recently announced that more NHS Trust will be switching from single use solutions to reusable ones where possible in order to reduce waste.


To talk to a member of our specialised team, call 0131 467 5764

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